Diaconate Office

Prayer Request for the Sick

LET US ALWAYS REMEMBER IN PRAYER THOSE ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE. The Diocese of Salt Lake City, through the Diaconate and the broader community, is committed to praying for those who have asked for our support. As people of faith, we have dedicated our lives to prayer, and it is our sacred duty to hold in prayer all those who have entrusted their intentions to us.

We offer our prayers for all the deceased, especially for those listed in the Diocese's Book of Memorials. May they rest in peace, embraced by the love of our Heavently Father.

We also lift up those in our community who are sick, suffering, struggling with addiction, facing unemployment, or enduring any of life's many challenges. Let us also remember all those who feel alienated, isolated, or burdened in any way. We pray for all those known to us and to our wider community who are in need of healing, strenght, and comfort.

Let us continue to offer our heartfelt prayers for their healing, peace and strenght.

Let us pray to the Lord.

For those who wish to request specific prayers or share your intentions with us, please feel free to reach out the following contact methods:

Emial: mirna.gomez@dioslc.org
